Authentication form
Candidate Authentication form
This declaration must be completed and signed by the student.
Guidance for candidate
You have been asked to sign this Candidate Authentication form and place it at the front of your portfolio. It confirms that the work you have submitted for assessment is your own and that you have not copied it from someone else or allowed another candidate to copy from you.
Candidate declaration
I confirm that the attached portfolio is all my own work* and does not include any work completed by anyone other than myself.
If I have added screenshots or links to videos that are not my own work, this is referenced appropriately.
I am clear on the applicable use of AI, which my teachers have gone through and I understand.
Qualification title: Creative Media Production & Technology - Extended Diploma
Candidate’s full name: Florence Stella Nickels
Candidate’s signature:
Date: 22/01/24
*unless otherwise stated, candidates can work together but should show sections which are their own work.
UAL Awarding Body is collecting images of students’ work for its online gallery and for use in materials to help teach this qualification to other students. This will largely happen via our website but we may also use some images in our printed publications such as the course specification for this qualification.
Approval for use of own work
Should we identify your work for use in this way, we would be very grateful if you would allow us to photograph it.
If you are happy for us to use images of your work in this way, then please sign below:
Print name:
Candidate signature: